In two-day sessions (each from 9 am to 5 pm WIB), you will learn how to:
Day 1:
Preparing an impactful presentation with audience analysis- Differentiate between situations that call for a presentation and a report
- Conduct audience analysis to prepare for a presentation
- Develop the thesis of your presentation
Using story structure for presentation: create the opening- Explain why structuring a presentation like a story makes it more effective
- Apply the story structure to their presentation framework
- Develop presentation content for the first act: opening
Using story structure for presentation: support your persuasion and close it on a high note- Develop presentation content for the second act: persuasion
- Develop presentation content for the third act: conclusion and call-to-action
- Develop a storyboard for the presentation
Day 2:
The basic design principle for presentation- Differentiate between designing and decorating a presentation
- Demonstrate the use of basic design principles in their presentation slides and data visualization
- Pick the right photo to augment their presentation
- Identify the appropriate graph/diagram for the evidence/data
- Develop a slidedoc as the "souvenir" of the presentation.
Anticipating and preparing for resistance- Explain why resistance happens and why we can prepare for it
- Select the most possible attacks against their ideas
- Craft the responses based on the provided guidelines.
Some of the concepts or tools you will learn about:
- Three-act story structure
- And-but-therefore opening structure
- Pyramid of persuasion
- CRAP design principle
And of course, a lot of practice! You will remake your previous or upcoming presentation. In the end, you will have a new presentation ready for your next talks or pitching.